San Nicola la Strada weather station (CE)
San Nicola la Strada weather station (CE)
MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0
Webcam and details
Place: San Nicola la Strada (IT)
Instrumentation: Davis Vantage Pro Plus 2
Latitude: 41.05 N
Longitude: 14.33 E
Altitude: 54 mslm
Height from the ground: 0 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: garden
Instrumentation: Davis Vantage Pro Plus 2
Latitude: 41.05 N
Longitude: 14.33 E
Altitude: 54 mslm
Height from the ground: 0 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: garden
La stazione meteo è gestita dal Volontari del Nucleo Comunale di Protezione Civile di San Nicola La Strada e fa parte della rete centraline Meteopoint che collabora attivamente con Meteonetwork
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