Montichiari weather station (BS)
Fraz. Bredazzane - Montichiari weather station (BS)
(85 %)
MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0
Webcam and details
Place: Montichiari (IT)
Location: Fraz. Bredazzane
Instrumentation: DAVIS VANTAGE VUE
Latitude: 45.383 N
Longitude: 10.377 E
Altitude: 84 mslm
Height from the ground: 250 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: garden
Monthly ranking:
Yearly ranking:
Location: Fraz. Bredazzane
Instrumentation: DAVIS VANTAGE VUE
Latitude: 45.383 N
Longitude: 10.377 E
Altitude: 84 mslm
Height from the ground: 250 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: garden
Monthly ranking:
Yearly ranking:
Microclima tipico della pianura padana, con estati calde e afose e sporadici temporali, autunni mediamente nebbiosi e piovosi, inverni freddi con inversioni termiche e possibili nevicate soprattutto da addolcimento.
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