San Marco in Lamis weather station (FG)
Borgo Celano - San Marco in Lamis weather station (FG)
MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0
Webcam and details
Place: San Marco in Lamis (IT)
Location: Borgo Celano
Instrumentation: Davis Vantage Vue
Latitude: 41.707 N
Longitude: 15.652 E
Altitude: 696 mslm
Height from the ground: 200 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: semi-urban
Type of location: open field
Location: Borgo Celano
Instrumentation: Davis Vantage Vue
Latitude: 41.707 N
Longitude: 15.652 E
Altitude: 696 mslm
Height from the ground: 200 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: semi-urban
Type of location: open field
La frazione di Borgo Celano fa parte del comune di San Marco in Lamis (Fg) sul promontorio del Gargano. Situata a ca. 700m di altitudine, gode di un clima ventilato tutto l'anno, con venti dominanti da nw. Gli inverni sono mediamente rigidi con discreti accumuli nevosi. Le estati fresche
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